Intermezzo: Spirit Matters

A Wisteria Tearoom Interlude

112 pages

After a disastrous Halloween party at the Wisteria Tearoom, Ellen Rosings seeks to draw some understanding out of the chaos.

While trying to support her grieving Goth office manager, Ellen ponders the mysterious flashes of light she saw in another part of Santa Fe, wondering if they are related to Captain Dusenberry, the tearoom’s resident ghost. She asks for help from the local spirit-tour guide, Willow Lane, who takes curiosity about the captain’s unsolved murder to a new level, where Ellen finds herself exploring the very meaning of spirit.

Will a séance in the tearoom finally provide the answers to her questions?

This is a novella, a short companion story to the Wisteria Tearoom Mysteries series. It is NOT a mystery! It is recommended that you read A Masquerade of Muertos before reading this story.


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