Now that book 7, A Black Place and a White Place, is done, I thought I’d share with you the O’Keeffe posters referred to in the book. While researching for this novel, I found myself wishing that the biographies about O’Keeffe that I was using had images of the pictures they referred to. Of course, O’Keeffe painted dozens and dozens of pictures during her lifetime, and putting them all into a book would make the book much longer and more expensive to produce. I did find some books that were just pictures, so by referring to those while I read other books, I was able to see most of the pictures. A little awkward going back and forth, but better than nothing.
With this in mind, I have collected for you, my readers, links to the six posters referenced in A Black Place and a White Place. These are the Santa Fe Chamber Music festival posters Ellen inherited from her mother, and which she hung in the upper hall of the Wisteria Tearoom. I hope they enhance your enjoyment of the novel.