Your Opinion Sought…

Dear Readers,

Please take a moment, if you will, to respond to this poll. I’d like your opinion of recipes in mysteries (in the back of the book). Many thanks!



  1. Hi Pati: I don’t want to see them within the pages of the story. It will just stop the action and lose the tension. However, if you were going to include them in the back of the book, like an appendix, then that would be pretty cool!

  2. I’ve read all three of your Wisteria Tearoom series since last weekend, amd I’m thoroughly drawn in to the settings, characters, and conflicts in the novels. Your use of imagery and suspense throughout the books is totally engaging. You have created a sizzling chemistry between Tony and Ellen. I cannot wait to read our next book in this series!

  3. I love them. More please.

  4. Mary Anne Pennington

    I’ve read all of your Wisteria Tearoom mysteries and would miss the recipes! The extra effort on your part to include them is worth it.

  5. I love your tearoom series. Any where I travel I seek out tearooms. I also enjoy following your romantic interest and the conflict it evokes. Can’t wait to see what happens next.

  6. Patrice Greenwood

    Thank you, Jeane, Mary Anne, and Cinfy!
    I also tend to look for tearooms when I’m traveling. San Francisco has a bunch; I’ll just have to keep going back there. And there’s the Russian Tea Room in NYC. So many opportunities!

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